Your corporate identity, brand, logo is your 'battle standard' planted in the ground.


It displays intention, feel, recognition, focus and communicates who you are and where you fit.


A good logo or brand is the successful answer to a question that is spoken in visual terms. It's a form of sign language that should leave the viewer impressed and in no doubt of who you or your company is. Here are a few recent designs from the archive.

"I know someone who can do it cheaper"

Really? Well I know someone who can do it better.


OK - that was a joke:

Seriously though, if you've spent all the time and effort getting your business off the ground or you are looking for a re-brand/refresh/update and you are looking for an eye catching design that stands apart from the rest, why would you want a 'cheap' design? It goes against all logic and 'cheap' is the last moniker you want attached to all your hard work.

Graphic Design Logo Concept For Rock Band #rockband #graphic #design #music


Dress to impress.

Whether you need retail packaging, product or localisation packaging we can cater for all your requirements. We have been in the packaging business for over 35 years and there aren't many objects we haven't wrapped in style. Based mainly in the computer games and music industry we are more than familiar with existing template artwork from most of the top players such as Sony, Microsoft, SEGA, Universal Music Group, Nintendo.

First... a trip down memory lane.

If you're old enough to remember playing these games, then you'll remember the excitement of the 'still in it's infancy' computer games developers. When games were indie, exciting, new, and quite often whacky. Way before the big money conglomerates bought everything up these games had a 'street hype' about them - they were the punk rock of the 1990s. A few of the ones we created back in the days of dinosaurs are below.

Phew! That's all a very long time ago... great times.


Ich verstehe nicht.


Well sometimes we come across artwork that needs to be translated for the European market, the USA and or other territories. The client already has existing artwork (quite often Japanese) and it has to be repackaged into templates supplied by the publisher.

We have been creating localisation artworks for Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft for many years adhering to the compliance requirements of industry templates and strict deadlines of release dates. This has been a main staple of Revolver's work for the last 20 years.

So what's the graphic design Revolver pedigree?


Previous to my graphic design career, I spent 4 years at art college training in Design (1980-1984).

Entering the graphic design scene in 1984 in the days of parallel motions, scalpels, typesetting, PMT cameras, Ruby Lith, colour rubdowns, Letraset 5000 artboard, set squares, rulers, wax machines and Rotring pens. All ancient technology now but an invaluable, solid grounding for a graphic designer. Every technological aspect since then has been embraced new media and keep vision laser focussed on current trends and fashions... but never forgetting how and where it all started. Pre-Apple Macintosh design and artwork was a thing of beauty and a real craft.


Rose tinted spectacles? Maybe - but I don't think so.

After 2 years as a Paste-up artist (rather derisively referred to as a "lick n' stick artist") in a small design business, in West London, learning studio skills and procedures it was off to the BIG SMOKE as a junior designer in a large, funky design studio called Shoot That Tiger! (Farringdon / Barbican area) creating artworks for the music, film and video industry. Shoot That Tiger! (now Tigeriffic) gave me 'the funky' in design and taught me how to NOT be one of these personality lacking, po faced designers that send me (and clients) into a stifled yawn. Really great times. Lots of loud music and impossibly cool design.


After that a senior / lead designer role for the music industry in a studio in Primrose Hill, London.


Here is where the first Mac was introduced (1989 Macintosh SE - 20MB hard drive) - I remember in the job interview saying "I can do graphic design but I can't use one of those 'telly' thingies (Apple Mac) over there in the corner" - that all changed pretty quick, in fact, I've taught MANY people how to use Macs since. WOW! What a revolution!


2 years later a dynamic partnership evolved from that called Red Cloud and 17 years of Computer Games and music Industry packaging flourished.

That came to an end in 2005 and Revolver Creative Services was established with all the same abilities and talents but much more streamlined.


And here we are today! I'm a graphic designer, illustrator, photographer and school teacher (teaching A Level Graphic Design).


A solid grounding in the design industry, a pedigree to be proud of and a HUGE portfolio of work, some of which can be seen here.


Question: So what kind of graphic design can/does Revolver do?
Answer: ABSOLUTELY everything. Packaging, Corporate branding, Logos, Magazines, Editorial design, Advertising, Illustration, Web design, Social Media, Exhibition stands, Literature, Posters, ... EVERYTHING.

PHONE: +44 (0) 7956 225022

EMAIL: mick@revolver-creative.com

WHATSAPP: 07956225022

© Revolver Creative. All content contained herein is copyrighted content of M. O'Farrell trading as Revolver Creative and under the brand name of ZosoHacker.
No images may be copied, used or downloaded without prior consent from the legal owner. All Rights Reserved.