A cross platform illustration service including vector, bitmap and 3d rendering.

All illustration concepts and creation are carried out in-house using all the up to date Adobe software and products. We can create most technical vector illustrations or the more 'arty' type of image with bitmap (or Raster) illustrations.

If you have a 3D CAD design that you'd like to look a little more exciting and 'real' then we also offer a realistic 3D rendering service which we can also implement into a realistic setting and background. We have had some great results with this.


To get a desired result we will often mix media, that is to say, start of in one format such as Adobe Illustrator (vector) and export that into a different media like Adobe Photoshop (bitmap).

Vectors. Point to point perfection.


Most of the illustrations seen here are vector based which is an endlessly scalable, clean and easily editable format.

Vector illustrations can be reduced to the size of a fingernail or enlarged to the size of a football pitch and no quality is lost in any way.


It's also very satisfying drawing technique that yields fantastic results.


Below is the outline view of the drawing showing how these illustrations are constructed.



As you can see, we can create many different styles of artwork from high precision vector images to more fluid, sometimes tongue in cheek, stylised artworks.


If you have an idea of the illustration content and style then we can create artwork for you from scratch. This will need a developmental liaison between Revolver Creative and yourself.


If there's a style that we don't cater for we are more than happy to recommend one of our preferred artists. We're nice like that.

Bitmap or Raster Illustration.


This covers a very wide range indeed. Most if not all photographs and web imagery created today are bitmap based. Adobe Photoshop has long been the king of this format. Editing photos / photographic manipulation, creating artworks, getting rid of wrinkles (wink) and creating awesome looking illustrations and logos with cool effects.


Bringing vector illustrations or logos into Photoshop as with the Johnny Atom artwork (who's logo and website we created) below creates some very interesting outcomes.

3D Rendering from CAD .obj.


We can bring to life your product designs and make them look like they exist rather than some flat confusing wire frame blueprint. We take your working 3D meshes and convert them into something that can be used in displays, on line or in a pitch document.


We have had great success recently creating these renders for a project that was still in the R&D stage. Happy to say now that they are a real thing.

PHONE: +44 (0) 7956 225022


WHATSAPP: 07956225022

© Revolver Creative. All content contained herein is copyrighted content of M. O'Farrell trading as Revolver Creative and under the brand name of ZosoHacker.
No images may be copied, used or downloaded without prior consent from the legal owner.

All Rights Reserved.