Ever fancied your hand at Graphic Design?

Got an in-house project you need to complete but lack the know how?


If you need to learn, brush up or train a team in Adobe products then I offer lessons from beginner to advanced in hourly sections.


I have been using Adobe products almost from their inception in the late 80s. I know my way around the various software and I'm keen to pass on my knowledge. I don't even mind the odd phone call from anyone if they get stuck on a project. I might be able to help - you never know.

I'm nice like that.

I teach A Level Graphic Design at a school in Hampshire and my students nearly always achieve top grade marks. Lessons are direct and to the point with a, hopefully, light and humorous feel.

Adobe InDesign - Lessons and training

InDesign Lessons and Training


Beginner to Advanced

Hourly rate:


Half day rate:


Full day rate:


Weekly rate:


Travel per mile:


What is this software for and what does it do?


This is the most fantastic, industry standard software for what used to be referred to as Desktop Publishing or DTP. It is a PAGE LAYOUT programme that beautifully handles the design, layout and output of magazines, newspapers, leaflets, brochures posters and presentations. Commonly used in editorial scenarios such as newspaper and printer services.


Before InDesign, there was Quark Xpress (I think it's still in existence) which was the most hateful, clunky and glitchy piece of software ever invented.

Document Layout
Page layout
Packaging Design

What will I learn?

  • Opening, sizing page or pages to printer output, orientation, bleeds, naming, saving and collecting assets and folder management
  • Placing images, sizing images and quality management
  • Colour management and output to printer ready PDF
  • Page arrangement and layout
  • Type handling and typeface usage
  • Editorial design
  • Layer control

Adobe Illustrator - Lessons and training

Illustrator Lessons and Training


Beginner to Advanced

Hourly rate:


Half day rate:


Full day rate:


Weekly rate:


Travel per mile:


What is this software for and what does it do?


The drawing behemoth that is the industry standard for all designers and artists. It is a VECTOR ILLUSTRATION programme that is incredibly versatile and powerful. It can be used for drawing, page layout, type manipulation, logo design, web and print graphics and all areas of illustration. Think of it as making point to point shapes and filling them with colour.


Before Illustrator, there was Macromedia FreeHand. Still sorely missed. Bought by Adobe and almost instantly discontinued. RIP.

Vector design
Layer Control

What will I learn?

  • Opening, sizing page or pages to printer output, orientation, bleeds, naming, saving and collecting assets and folder management
  • Drawing tools and penmanship, vector curves and manipulation
  • Strokes and fill options, shape creation and "Pathfinder' tools
  • Type manipulation and 'Outline Type' options to create logos and artworks
  • Layer control and layer effects. Gradient fills
  • Clipping masks and compound paths
  • Output setting for print and web usage

Adobe Photoshop - Lessons and training

Photoshop Lessons and Training


Beginner to Advanced

Hourly rate:


Half day rate:


Full day rate:


Weekly rate:


Travel per mile:


What is this software for and what does it do?


The undisputed king of image manipulation using pixels. Photoshop is a BITMAP / RASTER MANIPULATION programme that is used by photographers, artists, designers alike all over the world. With powerful tools like RAW Filter, Layers and add-ons such as Alien Skin, the entire visual platform is open to you. Paint, Design, Web Art and Graphics etc...


Before Photoshop there was virtually nothing bearing in mind that most Macs and PCs were Greyscale (black and white).

3D Type
Portrait Photography
Landscape editing

What will I learn?

  • Opening, sizing images using the correct dimensions and resolution
  • Setting colour modes for the appropriate application - e.g. RGB for websites and CMYK for print
  • Importing images, photos and graphics for use in other programmes
  • Brush, edit and line tools along with tool settings
  • Layer control, layer effects and grouping
  • Transparency options
  • Output setting for print and web usage
  • File and library management
  • Retouching and enhancing photographs

If any of the lessons above take your fancy or would be useful to you, please get in touch via Email or Phone. I will be more than happy to assist, direct or make a suggestion as how best to proceed.


Contact details below.

PHONE: +44 (0) 7956 225022


WHATSAPP: 07956225022

© Revolver Creative. All content contained herein is copyrighted content of M. O'Farrell trading as Revolver Creative and under the brand name of ZosoHacker.
No images may be copied, used or downloaded without prior consent from the legal owner.

All Rights Reserved.